Intellectual Property

Intellectual property

Intellectual property includes an intangible creation of human intellect, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; used in commercial transactions.  Intellectual property is being protected by law as it is crucial in business as the same is recognise as an intangible assets of entities which can be easily exploited financially. This is due to the fact that the characteristic of intellectual property is similar with the tangible assets; it can be sold or licensed.

Our Intellectual Property Practice Group is rapidly growing in a broad range of areas. We advise, in the context of Malaysian law, in relation to all areas of intellectual property – trademarks, patents, design rights, copyright, domain names and other rights. Further, as a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA), we are also able to benefit from our contacts within the international network of almost 4000 INTA members worldwide to assist clients who wish to expand and protect their intellectual property interests regionally as well as globally.

Our range of services:

  • Patents and know-how protection and registration
  • Brand protection
  • Trade mark management
  • Domain name registration and protection
  • Design protection
  • Copyright and entertainment
  • IP infringements and enforcement
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