Insurance & Takaful

Insurance & Takaful

Insurance & takaful protects the policy holders from financial loss generally. It also enables to mitigate loss, to stabilise financial, and promotes trade and commerce activities in which results into economic growth and development. As such, the area of insurance and takaful plays a crucial role in sustainable growth of an economy.

We provide advisory on the risk assessment, policy advisory to our clients in the industry for insurance and re-insurance matters. We handle life and general, marine and non-marine classes as well as re-insurance matters. In addition, we are also able to provide legal services related to claims investigation, review, mediation and the pursuit and defence of insurance and re-insurance claims. We have conducted in house training for corporate assureds, industry organisations and insurers and have contributed to authoritative practitioner texts. In the contentions areas, we have been involved as counsel and arbitrator.

Our range of services:

  • Advisory on the risk assessment, policy advisory to our clients in the industry for insurance and re-insurance matters
  • Handling life and general, marine and non-marine classes as well as re-insurance matters
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